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Here you will find my videos, shared via the current platforms I am using which are Facebook and Rumble. Censorship has increased on YouTube and I had my account terminated on 12th March 2021. You will find these 'banned' videos on Rumble.  Documents referred to in my videos can be found in my NEWS and RECOMMENDED READING pages.

These is probably the most important and dangerous part of watching pornography.

Explicit Material Series - Part Two (Desensitisation)

These is probably the most important and dangerous part of watching pornography.

13 August 2024

Vaccines - it was always a no go area to vaccinate pregnant women and anyone who was unwell. It's a pretty new thing to encourage both pregnant women AND the most sick to vaccinate as a priority. Depopulation.

Targeting the most sick and vulnerable

Vaccines - it was always a no go area to vaccinate pregnant women...

13 August 2024

A bit of a mish mash on the medical industry and some useful information.

Why diagnosis can be dangerous

A bit of a mish mash on the medical industry and some useful information.

7 July 2024

This is harrowing and will be triggering for many sex abuse victims. Please listen with caution and not around children.

The monster behind the explicit global sex education - Part one

This is harrowing and will be triggering for many sex abuse victims.

7 July 2024

Please parents for the love of God, if they MUST have a phone then you need to check it, and check it again, EVERY NIGHT!

TikTok is a GROOMING app!

Please parents for the love of God, if they MUST have a phone then you need to check it, and check it again, EVERY NIGHT!

27 May 2024

Please share this around as much as possible, it's the biggest power grab for our children. Welcome to Communist China!


Please share this around as much as possible, it's the biggest power grab for our children...

20 April 2024

Let's take a look at what life was like before the sexual revolution - which has done nothing but destroy the whole of society.

What does a pre/post Kinsey/Hefner era look like...

Let's take a look at what life was like before the sexual revolution...

20 April 2024

vax ingredients............

Poison in Needles

vax ingredients............

13 November 2023

How is it created? How is it reversed? It's so simple it repels the mind.

Let's talk about dis-ease

How is it created? How is it reversed? It's so simple it repels the mind.

10 October 2023

People need to face the horrendous reality of this nightmare and educate themselves on the very real dangers of pornography. It has destroyed the individual, relationships, and the world.

Pornography is Destroying Humanity

People need to face the horrendous reality of this nightmare and educate themselves on the very real dangers of pornography...

27 August 2023

Guys we need a home educator from Wales to challenge the guidance on RSE. Please watch and get in touch if you're interested.

Brave Welsh Warriors URGENTLY Needed

Guys we need a home educator from Wales to challenge the guidance on RSE. Please watch and get in touch if you're interested.

5 August 2023

As well as being sexualised in school and through-out society, the children are suffering with mental illness. We are living in a mental asylum where grown adults are encouraging little children to self-harm and self-mutilate. This needs to STOP!

Children suffering mental illness

As well as being sexualised in school and through-out society...

10 July 2023

Claire Page lost her case against the SSE and the ICO in the judicial system. They no longer have to disclose any content to parents with regards to what third party organisations are teaching their children about sex. You have no parental rights

Claire Page Case against the School of Sexuality Education

Claire Page lost her case against the SSE and the ICO in the judicial system. They no longer have to disclose...

4 July 2023

Sex educator "Brook" and the "Traffic Light System" - this has to be one of the most dangerous things i've ever seen............your children are in serious danger!


Sex educator "Brook" and the "Traffic Light System" - this has to be one of the most dangerous things i've ever seen............your children are in serious danger!

7 June 2023

I'm reading out from Tribunal Tweets - an ongoing court case between a concerned parent and SSE (School of Sexuality Education) - This is insane! Here is just more proof of what is going on within the classrooms of your children's schools!

WHO is teaching your children Sex ed?????

I'm reading out from Tribunal Tweets - a court case between a concerned parent and School of Sexuality Education

6 May 2023

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For all episodes go to:

Podcastathon Part Twenty-Three Mattie Ginsberg

29 April 2023

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For all episodes go to:

Podcastathon Part Twenty - Azhar

29 April 2023

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For all episodes go to:

Podcastathon Part Eighteen - Laurence Fox

29 April 2023

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Podcastathon - The Breakfast Show

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29 April 2023

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Podcastathon Part 16 Nick Tenconi Turning Point UK

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29 April 2023

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Podcastathon Part Fourteen - Christine Miner

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29 April 2023

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Podcastathon Part Thirteen - Ronnie Herman

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29 April 2023

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Podcastathon Part Eleven - George Sandhu

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29 April 2023

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Podcastathon Part Nine - DJ Slipmatt

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29 April 2023

Please Donate Here:

Podcastathon Part Seven - Alex Thompson

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29 April 2023

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Podcastathon Part Six - Sandi Adams

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29 April 2023

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Podcastathon Part Four - Paul Fitch

29 April 2023

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Podcastathon 3 Part Two - Kimberley Isherwood

The chair of Public Child Protection Wales

29 April 2023

We told you that teaching "consent" to children is highly dangerous and a massive NO! you don't teach children negotiation skills, that's a predators paradise! the grooming is being done in the classrooms!

UN Decriminalise Sex Between Adults & Minors

We told you that teaching "consent" to children is highly...

24 April 2023

This is probably one of the most dangerous things I've EVER witnessed during my research into the sexualisation of children. Teaching these things to neuro typical children and even adults is dangerous, teaching them to neuro diverse children is off the scale dangerous, what the hell are they doing????

Masturbation, Autism and Learning Disabilities

This is probably one of the most dangerous things I've EVER witnessed...

27 March 2023

You need to listen to this carefully and then read this document! There is no time, children have been damaged already, it stops NOW! but only you can stop it!

FINALLY! proof of teaching materials!

You need to listen to this carefully and then read this document! There is no time...

12 March 2023

It's not just the recent vax that injures and kills...

Vaccine Effects

It's not just the recent vax that injures and kills...

4 March 2023

This one will upset many people. You're not watching what you think you're watching. If you want to save children from abuse then you have to stop watching it. After listening to this video, many of you will be put off, thankfully.

Porn is demonic

This one will upset many people. You're not watching what you think you're watching.

16 February 2023

Time to get on your feet, there's no time, this it URGENT. Your children need you and they need you now. Will you fight for them???

Let's kick arse

Time to get on your feet, there's no time, this it URGENT. Your children need you and they need you now. Will you fight for them???

10 February 2023

Why many people will present with symptoms of dis-ease between Christmas and the end of January.

January Sickness

Why many people will present with symptoms of dis-ease between christmas and the end of January.

28 December 2022

Time is running out, our children are being indoctrinated to the extreme and are being empowered beyond their capacity. I saw the product of this education today and it's frightening. Guys, we need to reclaim our children from the state and protect them from these dangerous ideologies.

This is what we're up against

Time is running out, our children are being indoctrinated to the extreme...

17 December 2022

Problems with diagnosis


Problems with diagnosis

6 December 2022

The children are the future and thankfully, there are some that just can't be programmed, these children will really be the key xxx

Faith Restored

The children are the future and thankfully, there are some that just can't be programmed, these children will really be the key xxx

26 November 2022

We are in a very strong position guys, we have to unite, and we have to do it now xxxx


We are in a very strong position guys, we have to unite, and we have to do it now xxxx

10 November 2022

Pornography is literally breaking down the whole of society. We need everyone to start accepting the facts and actively doing something to stop it xxx

Broken Society

Pornography is literally breaking down the whole of society. We need everyone to start accepting the facts and actively doing something to stop it xxx

17 October 2022

I'm not even sorry for this rant, it needs to happen, people need to be shamed out of it. We have a SERIOUS problem!

Evils of Pornography

I'm not even sorry for this rant, it needs to happen, people need to be shamed out of it. We have a SERIOUS problem!

8 October 2022

Notice available from

Put your schools on NOTICE!

7 September 2022

Let's have a deeper look into one of the resources being used by schools..........this is basically an instruction book on grooming, so dangerous

Educate and Celebrate

Let's have a deeper look into one of the resources being used by schools...

6 September 2022

Kirsty Williams - ex education minister blatantly lied about the new sex education and then skipped her position after taking a nice pay rise. She needs to PAY for what she has done! Come to Cardiff to meet with PCPW on Saturday 18th June xx


Kirsty Williams - ex education minister blatantly lied about the new sex education.

15 June 2022

If you believe this then you have a very long way to go. It's called "vaccine induced shingles". They are still telling huge lies and distracting you will nonsense.


If you believe this then you have a very long way to go...

2 June 2022

Time to rise now guys, the cat is out of the bag, we are taking the Welsh Government to court!

The Gloves are off!

Time to rise now guys, the cat is out of the bag, we are taking the Welsh Government to court!

26 April 2022

Parents we need to act, our children are in serious danger and we are the only ones who can stop it, please get involved and help xx

Please Act NOW!

Parents we need to act, our children are in serious danger and we are the only ones who can stop it, please get involved and help xx

10 April 2022

We are so incredibly powerful, something that has been kept from us - the power of water xxx

Water Has Memory

We are so incredibly powerful...

5 April 2022

Your children are being desensitised

Sex Toys In Shops

Your children are being desensitised.

7 March 2022

None of these are related to each other, just an update on all 3 xxx

Propaganda, Opiates & Kinsey

None of these are related to each other, just an update on all 3 xxx

2 March 2022

Sackler Family and Oxycontin are responsible for the opioid addiction in america and around the world, it's one big massive cartel. Over 600,000 dead in the USA over a 20 year period from oxy. Oxycontin is still prescribed today.

Oxycontin Devastation

Sackler Family and Oxycontin are responsible for the opioid addiction in america and around the world, it's one big massive cartel...

2 February 2022

Lets have a debate, a true uncensored one, anti vax V pro vax. Then we can end this and move forward.

We Need A Real Debate

Lets have a debate, a true uncensored one, anti vax V pro vax. Then we can end this and move forward.

27 January 2022

The reason for this is because they are purposely skewed to confuse. When we start of with lies, it will never end well.

Medical Statistics Are Unreliable

The reason for this is because they are purposely skewed to confuse. When we start of with lies, it will never end well.

12 January 2022

The more you test, the longer this will go on. They are using this FALSE data to push this further into totalitarianism and you are contributing by testing. Playing along now will cost you later.

Testing is Bullshit

The more you test, the longer this will go on. They are using this FALSE data...

7 January 2022

Check the information for yourselves..........

Yellow Card Scheme

Check the information for yourselves..........

19 October 2021

A deeper look into the germ theory and terrain model. Without "viruses" the body would have no recourse to detox and you would die.

What Is A Virus?

A deeper look into the germ theory and terrain model. Without "viruses" the body would have no recourse to detox and you would die.

11 October 2021

Mish mash of these 3 subjects...

Vaccines, Kinsey & Fundraiser

Mish mash of these 3 subjects...

5 October 2021

Your children are being pushed into a dangerous ideology through gender dysphoria, we have a huge problem and we need to resolve it, for the sake of childrens mental health.

Gender Dysphoria

Your children are being pushed into a dangerous ideology through gender dysphoria...

30 September 2021

They backed out.......I wonder why? Also GLC are complete sell outs, let's look at the proof...

Schools Aren't Vaccinating...

They backed out.......I wonder why? Also GLC are complete sell outs, let's look at the proof...

27 September 2021

Apologies for the ranting on this video but i'm running out of patience, we are already out of time and we need to unite now or we are not going to come out of this madness. Children are in so much danger and it's being ignored.....

We've Run Out Of Time

Apologies for the ranting on this video but i'm running out of patience...

23 September 2021

Update on Darrens 140 mile route to St Davids. Thank you so much for all the support xxx

Darrens walk for the children

Update on Darrens 140 mile route to St Davids. Thank you so much for all the support xxx

31 August 2021

First half is on Jeremy Bamber and the corruption within Essex police and the second half is on current affairs.......still waiting to see evidence of SARS-COV2 - apologies for the complete change in subject


First half is on Jeremy Bamber and the corruption within Essex police and the second half is on current affairs...

29 August 2021

Please get involved in this, this is for all children, we have to get it stopped. Also a massive thank you to the guys in North Wales on tour xx

Fundraiser for the children

Please get involved in this, this is for all children...

20 August 2021

People are misinformed when it comes to vaccine trials and what are used as apparent "control groups" - here is one example...

What is the vaccine "control group"?

People are misinformed when it comes to vaccine trials...

8 August 2021

Teach your children the truth and boycott any places of business who try and get your medical details - demand to speak to the manager, tell them what's what and then leave and never go back - YOU have to challenge these things.

Coercion is illegal

Teach your children the truth and boycott any places of business who try and get your medical details...

3 August 2021

The "science" behind the apparent "success" of changing a babies gender is based upon sexologist John Money's sex reassignment of a biological male baby boy, using his twin brother as a control....Was it successful?

The John/Joan Case....

The "science" behind the apparent "success" of changing a babies gender is based upon sexologist...

1 August 2021

Tests are being recalled. We tried to tell you last year how dodgy they were, here we go.....Straight from the horses mouth.

Recalled Tests?

Tests are being recalled. We tried to tell you last year how dodgy they were, here we go.....Straight from the horses mouth.

26 July 2021

We are at the cusp of this and we don't have any time to mess around and walk on eggshells any longer. It's vital that we act now. If you don't like my approach, please delete me.

No more time

We are at the cusp of this and we don't have any time...

26 July 2021

This shouldn't need to be said but as people seem to have forgotten......


This shouldn't need to be said but as people seem to have forgotten...

19 July 2021

Please monitor your children's devices, there is a lot of grooming going on, it's extremely dangerous.

Children are not safe

Please monitor your children's devices...

11 July 2021

Now it's evident that you have been royally lied to, will you carry on playing? or will you say NO?!

Will you still play the game?

Now it's evident that you have been royally lied to, will you carry on playing? or will you say NO?!

7 July 2021

I said i wouldn't respond to this but just so people know before they demonise the wrong people. My character speaks for itself, as theirs will speak for them.........they are deflecting from the true cause and it shows.

Hear my side

I said i wouldn't respond to this but just so people know before they demonise the wrong people...

4 July 2021

ohhhh here we have it then guys, there is ZERO proof of isolation of ANY so called "virus" - we tried to tell about them apples........also, ONS finally admit vaccine deaths........Queen Elizabeth statue it comes.....


ohhhh here we have it then guys, there is ZERO proof of isolation...

2 July 2021

This is a bit of a difficult one and i hope i'm wrong....there is no more information to give on the vaccine, it's literally everywhere, you are being TOLD, even on have a choice..........also, be careful of who you are supporting..........

Depopulation underway?

This is a bit of a difficult one and i hope i'm wrong...

30 June 2021

This is definitely a set up, watch carefully............WHY? Let's have a look.........this is what i believe to be happening here, we will see....

Matt "3 hands" Hancock? FAKE!

This is definitely a set up, watch carefully............WHY? Let's have a look.........this is what i believe to be happening here, we will see....

25 June 2021

We are told to blindly praise the NHS in the face of this evident depopulation agenda, enough is enough.

People are dying

We are told to blindly praise the NHS in the face of this evident depopulation agenda, enough is enough.

23 June 2021

James Corden is a sell out, they are literally selling you a product despite the clear danger.

Enjoying the pantomime called "Covid?"

James Corden is a sell out, they are literally selling you a product despite the clear danger.

21 June 2021

Vaccines are based upon the flawed germ theory, they have never and will never save a SINGLE life, but they have and will destroy many.

Germ theory nonsense

Vaccines are based upon the flawed germ theory, they have never and will never save a SINGLE life, but they have and will destroy many.

15 June 2021

If you don't know anything about vaccines, including medical professionals, please stop misinforming other people, it's extremely dangerous.

STOP with the misleading information

If you don't know anything about vaccines, including medical professionals, please stop

12 June 2021

RSE (relationship & sex education) is THE MOST DANGEROUS thing to EVER be implemented in school, we MUST get it out NOW!

Get to Cardiff to protest

RSE (relationship & sex education) is THE MOST DANGEROUS thing to EVER be implemented in school, we MUST get it out NOW!

3 June 2021

Do we have a "health service" or a "sick management service?" - you decide......

Allopathy Dangers

Do we have a "health service" or a "sick management service?" - you decide......

23 May 2021

Do you really want this guy "safeguarding" your children? This is extremely dangerous and you really need to pay attention.....

Who is pushing this dangerous agenda?

Do you really want this guy "safeguarding" your children?

18 May 2021

How many people stayed away from loved ones over this lie? will you now go and "hug" a loved one on monday because the tele told you it was ok? What on earth is going on???

"Allowed" to hug?

How many people stayed away from loved ones over this lie?

12 May 2021

Testing on pregnant women? VAERS database information...........let's have a look....

Is it safe and effective?

Testing on pregnant women? VAERS database information...........let's have a look....

19 February 2021

Dr Kaufman explains virus isolation, vaccines, germ & terrain theory, impacts on mental health plus more..

Interview with Dr Andrew Kaufman

Dr Kaufman explains virus isolation, vaccines, germ & terrain theory, impacts on mental health plus more..

21 January 2021

A brief chat about pornographer Hugh Hefner - the start of the mainstreaming of pornography

Explicit Material Series - Part One

A brief chat about pornographer Hugh Hefner - the start of the mainstreaming of pornography

13 August 2024

Bringing you the news that the BBC won't. The sexualisation of children from age 3 in schools.

PCPW Broadcast outside the BBC

Bringing you the news that the BBC won't. The sexualisation of children from age 3 in schools.

10 July 2024

This is harrowing and will be triggering for many sex abuse victims.

The Monster Behind the Explicit Global Sex Education Part two

This is harrowing and will be triggering for many sex abuse victims.

7 July 2024

Presentation on the dangers of pornography. We discuss the dangers to the individual, relationships, and the real world consequences. This is harrowing, please watch with caution and do not watch in front of children.

Catastrophic Effects of Pornography

Presentation on the dangers of pornography.

16 June 2024

GMC Response to Welsh Government

GMC Response to Welsh Government

GMC Response to Welsh Government

25 May 2024

A simple and mostly harmless detoxification process, or a needle full of poison? What would you choose if you had informed consent? Let's discuss.....

Measles V MMR

A simple and mostly harmless detoxification process...

20 April 2024

If you're a parent with a child at school, you MUST listen to this. Harrowing and frightening......for more information on Kinsey's "work" please go to my blogs and videos on my website.

Kinsey - Chapter 5 (Childhood Sexuality)

If you're a parent with a child at school, you MUST listen to this.

9 March 2024

Your children are being sexualised from all angles and you need to step up. Targeting children through sweets...

The intentional sexualisation of children

Your children are being sexualised from all angles and you need to step up. Targeting children through sweets...

27 October 2023

The "satanic panic" of the 80's was not a hoax. This stuff is horrific and it STILL happens today. We have to keep talking about it.

Franklin Cover-up of satanism, child abuse, and murder

The "satanic panic" of the 80's was not a hoax. This stuff is horrific and it STILL happens today. We have to keep talking about it.

27 September 2023

Well I'm absolutely shocked that this has been accepted but it has and we have to get this out there everywhere! Please sign and share

Porn Petition Accepted!

Well I'm absolutely shocked that this has been accepted but it has and we have to get this out there everywhere! Please sign and share

27 August 2023

The dangers of pornography are beyond comprehension for most people. It's the catalyst for sex abuse, including child sex abuse. Pornography is the driver of human and child trafficking..................STOP WATCHING IT! you're literally enabling this shit every time you watch it.

Pornography Disaster

The dangers of pornography are beyond comprehension for most people. It's the catalyst for sex abuse...

31 July 2023

Kinsey got away with his horrendous experiments on children because he was completely protected all the way through - even today.

Kinsey's Connection to MKULTRA, CIA and the Rockefellers

Kinsey got away with his horrendous experiments on children because he was completely protected...

4 July 2023

This has been a long time coming, the truth revealed about the father of gender reassignment, child abuser sexologist John Money.........

FINALLY! The truth from mainstream!

This has been a long time coming, the truth revealed about the father of gender reassignment, child abuser sexologist John Money.........

26 June 2023

I'll be talking about the sexual revolution and the damage it has and continues to cause, for the forseeable. Pornography in particular has destroyed the family unit and society as a whole, opening children up to being sexually abused. We have to talk about this and we have to stop subscribing!

Buckle up!

I'll be talking about the sexual revolution and the damage it has and continues to cause...

21 May 2023

Please donate here:

For all episodes go to:

Podcastathon Part Twenty-Four - Tania Joy Gibson

29 April 2023

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For all episodes go to:

Podcastathon Part Twenty-One Dan Watkins

29 April 2023

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For all episodes go to:

Podcastathon Part Nineteen - Clive De Carle

29 April 2023

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Podcastathon Part 17 Andy Heaseman

29 April 2023

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Turning Point UK speak to students at Sussex uni about gender

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29 April 2023

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Podcastathon Part Fifteen - Brian Gerrish

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29 April 2023

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Podcastathon Lou & Kat Book Review

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29 April 2023

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Podcastathon Part Twelve - Dave Sumrall

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29 April 2023

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Podcastathon Part Ten - Adele Childs

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29 April 2023

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Podcastathon Part Eight - Sid Cordle

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29 April 2023

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Podcastathon Jason Nota hits the streets of Cardiff

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29 April 2023

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Podcastathon Part Five - Nigel Thorne

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29 April 2023

Please Donate here:

Podcastathon Part Three - Matt Le Tissier

29 April 2023

Please donate here:

Podcastathon Part 1 Lucia Thomas & Richard Vobes

29 April 2023

Please share far and wide, this is what will be taking place over the next 6 weeks, we all need to unite because we've completely run out of time, this is for the children. We will no longer put up with this filthy agenda which is a pedophile charter. Get off your knees and help us.

What's Going On?

Please share far and wide, this is what will be taking place over the next 6 weeks...

1 April 2023

Margaret Mead was WRONG about tribes in Samoa. Based upon her book "Coming of Age in Samoa" which sent ripples through academia, these tribes were not "sexual" and virginity WAS and IS sacred - based upon this theory, we're living in a nightmare today.

Eugenics, Nature V Nurture

Margaret Mead was WRONG about tribes in Samoa...

23 March 2023

I'm sick of this so called "debate" about whether or not children should be exposed to drag queens, what is the matter with people???? NO! adult entertainers belong nowhere NEAR children, end of discussion!

Drag Queens do NOT belong around children!

I'm sick of this so called "debate" about whether or not children should be exposed to drag queens...

4 March 2023

I think I know why they're continually taking me down from as many platforms as possible...............The true cause of disease......

Touched a nerve?

I think I know why they're continually taking me down from as many platforms as possible...............The true cause of disease......

20 February 2023

There is a reason that many youths are completely out of control now, here is need to step up, and fast.

What on Earth is happening to our youth?

There is a reason that many youths are completely out of control...

12 February 2023

All vaccines are poisonous. ALL OF THEM.

Childhood Vaccinations

All vaccines are poisonous. ALL OF THEM.

26 January 2023

We need to start making teachers accountable for their crimes!

Action Time

We need to start making teachers accountable for their crimes!

24 December 2022

This is a MUST watch if you have children in school


This is a MUST watch if you have children in school

13 December 2022

People have absolutely lost their minds! Glorifiying mass murderers?? Wow how on earth did we get to this point???

Mid-az-o-lam Matthew

People have absolutely lost their minds! Glorifiying mass murderers?? Wow how on earth did we get to this point???

29 November 2022

Whatever the decision in this case, we've won. This is a MOVEMENT and Wales have just blown it right out in the open, it's all on record! WELL DONE WALES!!! xxxx


Whatever the decision in this case, we've won...

17 November 2022

People are in complete denial about what they KNOW is happening. We warned you, over and over and over again, ignoring the blatant truth doesn't change anything and it certainly doesn't help!

Collective Denial

People are in complete denial about what they KNOW is happening...

27 October 2022

The censorship is rife on the sex industry, even though it's the worst one. Please help me get the information out because I can't. I'm hugely censored.


The censorship is rife on the sex industry, even though it's the worst one. Please help me get the information out because I can't. I'm hugely censored.

10 October 2022

This is one that I know for a fact many will completely ignore, mostly because a LOT of people watch it. But do you know what it's doing to you? to individuals and society as a whole?

Pornography Nightmare

This is one that I know for a fact many will completely ignore, mostly because a LOT of people watch it...

25 September 2022

It doesn't matter that we lost the injunction...

Injunction Verdict

It doesn't matter that we lost the injunction, people are now up in arms and we STILL have the main court case, the Judicial Review!

7 September 2022

I know the fight to stop the sexualisation of children is here in Wales, BUT, it's a GLOBAL education, already in 52 countries, including England, Scotland and Ireland. WHEN WE WIN, you all win too, it's going to set precedent. We need you now more than ever, your CHILDREN need you xxxx

Come On UK!

I know the fight to stop the sexualisation of children is here in Wales...

9 August 2022

Let's look at some PIL's (Patient Information Leaflets)

Medication Side Effects

Let's look at some PIL's (Patient Information Leaflets)

15 June 2022

Please research Peter Tatchell..........this is insane, we all need to complain today to Ofcom for the air time this man keeps getting! Apologies the screen didn't share for that one minute video, my fault but you can clearly hear what he says.

Tatchell Represents Children?

Please research Peter Tatchell...

27 April 2022

I don't understand why people are still playing this game? We wont be forgetting about it in place of the Ukraine because people have died and will die as a direct result of this lie.

Playing Covid

I don't understand why people are still playing this game?

18 April 2022

Opioids are destroying lives. We need to address this.

The Silent Epidemic

Opioids are destroying lives. We need to address this.

5 April 2022

Rockerfeller Medicine is not healthy, yet it runs the whole medical industry.


Rockerfeller Medicine is not healthy, yet it runs the whole medical industry.

21 March 2022

Your children are in serious danger in schools, what will you do about it???

Alfred Kinsey's "Legacy"

Your children are in serious danger in schools, what will you do about it???

7 March 2022

The crime of the Century. Opioids. I had no idea of the magnitude of this crisis, it's time to educate. Since Covid, there has also been a monstrous increase in mental health and addiction, it's destroying lives. I'll do more on this, so much more information needs to shared.


The crime of the Century. Opioids. I had no idea of the magnitude of this crisis, it's time to educate...

15 February 2022

The "anti-vaccine movement" is NOT "well established" OR "well funded" The BBC are a corporate arm of big pharmaceuticals and they are disgusting.

BBC Propaganda

The "anti-vaccine movement" is NOT "well established" OR "well funded"...

31 January 2022

Quick update on the current lie. It's so massive, it's quite "unbelievable".


Quick update on the current lie. It's so massive, it's quite "unbelievable".

23 January 2022

Fear brings disease, that's why they keep us in a continual loop of it. Bitterness, spite, jealousy, grief, anger, hate etc are all fear frequencies and can make you dis-eased.

Psychological Warfare

Fear brings disease, that's why they keep us in a continual loop of it...

10 January 2022

Sorry it's been so long guys. Apologies for the crying, this was a difficult one for me xxxx

One by One

Sorry it's been so long guys. Apologies for the crying, this was a difficult one for me xxxx

5 January 2022

I finally bit the bullet and watched the film "Kinsey" which I knew would definitely not be a true representation of Alfred Kinsey and it certainly was not. Let's break it down.......

Kinsey Review

I finally bit the bullet and watched the film "Kinsey" which I knew would definitely not be a true representation...

17 October 2021

A lie is still a lie even if everyone believes it, the truth is still the truth even if no-one believes it..........

Will You Let Your Children Suffer?

A lie is still a lie even if everyone believes it, the truth is still the truth even if no-one believes it..........

7 October 2021

I'm reading from the publication "Sexual Behaviour in the Human Male" - Straight from the horses mouth. I wish this was not happening, but it is....

Kinsey's "Research" Exposed

I'm reading from the publication "Sexual Behaviour in the Human Male" - Straight from the horses mouth...

3 October 2021

Alfred Kinsey's research is the basis of the current sex education in schools, from age 3...

Alfred Kinsey

Alfred Kinsey's research is the basis of the current sex education in schools, from age 3...

28 September 2021

The media lies, it's very obvious that they are mocking the masses. Switch off the TV. There is no fuel shortage, the media created it, evidently.

Media Manipulation

The media lies, it's very obvious that they are mocking the masses...

25 September 2021

They are deliberately coercing folk into getting the vaccine, this isn't FORCE, they know they can't do it, hence the daily lies and propaganda. They need you to beLIEve it, so you walk straight into the trap. Resist.

Vaccine Propaganda

They are deliberately coercing folk into getting the vaccine...

13 September 2021

We are living in a world of pure misinformation which is causing a catastrophe in our teenagers, especially our teenage girls. We can either ignore the obvious and allow it to continue or we can learn about it and start helping them. Very dangerous times we are living in.

Transgender Craze

We are living in a world of pure misinformation which is causing a catastrophe in our teenagers...

30 August 2021

Take a look at your medical records and pin point the time of illness.

Vaccine Damage in Adults

Take a look at your medical records and pin point the time of illness.

27 August 2021

We have to get over this "virus" thing. Please learn the Germ Theory and Terrain MODEL or they will continue this charade over and over and over again.

No more Tip-toeing

We have to get over this "virus" thing...

9 August 2021

There is literal murder happening within the medical industry at an alarming rate, this has to stop!

People are being murdered

There is literal murder happening within the medical industry...

4 August 2021

We really need to face this head on and move past the political correctness or we are in serious trouble.

Our children are in serious danger

We really need to face this head on and move past the political correctness or we are in serious trouble.

1 August 2021

The government are trying to push their crap onto home educators.......

Home education is the Way

The government are trying to push their crap onto home educators.......

27 July 2021

These people are not there for the cause, they are there for the fame.

Fame Chasers and Bullies

These people are not there for the cause, they are there for the fame.

26 July 2021

They are not "safe and effective" - even the industries on literature admit this if you are paying attention.

Welcome to the circus

They are not "safe and effective" - even the industries on literature admit this if you are paying attention.

26 July 2021

They love to cause divide...

Trigger Articles

They love to cause divide...

14 July 2021

As we can see from this alone, there was and is no pandemic. Without all of other thousands of examples.

What Pandemic????

As we can see from this alone, there was and is no pandemic...

8 July 2021

We need to act NOW, your children are being sexualised in school. Do you care enough to help? or will you sit idly by and do nothing? What kind of society are we living in if we are not protecting the most vulnerable of all?????

Your children are being sexualised

We need to act NOW, your children are being sexualised in school...

5 July 2021

Informed consent is vital in any medical procedure, please keep your children off school on vaccine days and try to educate them as much as you can.....bring some liability to the teachers who are misinforming children with very misleading and dangerous information.

Keep the children safe

Informed consent is vital in any medical procedure, please keep your children off school on vaccine days...

3 July 2021

Positive video for the weekend. There is a reason they attack your mind so much, if you knew how powerful you truly were, this would end now xx

Manifestation is very real...

Positive video for the weekend. There is a reason...

1 July 2021

I'm suspicious of certain people within the movement. Why wouldn't they want to unite when it comes to child protection? is it ego? paranoia or intentional? you be the judge........

Accidental or Intentional?

I'm suspicious of certain people within the movement...