
Kathryn Watkins
Apr 11, 202150 min read
Convid 1984 - PART ONE.
According to the WHO (World Health Organisation) and the CDC (Centre for Disease Control) the so called dis-ease "Covid19" was caused by...
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Kathryn Watkins
Apr 10, 202123 min read
Convid 1984 - PART TWO.
Vaccines have been my main field of research for 11 years so when this started to roll out i was very familiar with the whole scenario,...
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Kathryn Watkins
Apr 9, 202114 min read
The Nature of a Virus.
"Viruses" exist within the "Germ theory of dis-ease" but not in the same way as the "Terrain MODEL of dis-ease" So what are viruses? what...
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